The Rainbow Division Veterans Foundation maintains archives in several educational institutions across the United States. Follow the links below to see what Rainbow Division holdings are kept where.
Archives and Special Collections
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
P.O. Box 884100
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE 68588
Ph: 402-472-7211
Click here for a link to a list of our foundation’s archives held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
MacArthur Memorial
MacArthur Square
Norfolk, VA 23510
Ph: 757-441-2965
Click here for a link to a list of our foundation’s archives held at the MacArthur Memorial.
Troy Armory in Upstate New York
137 Glenmore Road
Troy, NY 12180
Ph: 518-286-9280
Click here for a link to a list of our foundation’s archives held at the New York State Armory, Glenmore Road